Rental Swaps

  • Equitable Trades Based on Market Rates
  • Flexible and Convenient: Cost Savings
  • Immersive Local Experiences
  • Comprehensive Support 
  • Member Testimonials
  • Innovative Insurance Solutions

Marketing & Advertising

  • Professional Property Photography
  • Listing Optimization
  • Social Media Promotion
  • Targeted Advertising Campaigns
  • Email Marketing
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • SEO Services
  • Branding and Design Support

Property Rights Advocacy

  • Local, State, and National Advocacy
  • Legislative Support
  • Ongoing Campaigns
  • Member Involvement
  • Legal Support and Resources
  • Educational Webinars and Workshops
  • Collaboration with Advocacy Groups

Local Artists Program

  • Integration of Local Art
  • New Revenue Stream for Owners
  • Support for Local Economy
  •  Venue for Artists to Showcase and Sell

Empowering Short-Term Rental Owners Worldwide

Join ASTRO to revolutionize how you manage properties and engage with travelers!

Our Services \u0026 Support

Explore our range of services tailored to enhance your short-term rental experience.


Legal Resources

Legal Assistance \u0026 Resources for Property Owners


Professional Photo Editing

Professional Photo Editing Services for Stunning Listings


Customized Insurance Options

Tailored Insurance Coverage Options for Property Owners

Elevate Your Rental Experience Today



Who We Are

ASTRO is dedicated to transforming property management and travel engagement for short-term rental owners worldwide.

Why Choose ASTRO

Discover the unique values that set ASTRO apart in the short-term rental industry.

Sustainability Advocates

We prioritize eco-friendly practices and sustainable property management to protect the environment.

Community-Centric Approach

Our focus on community building fosters support, trust, and collaboration among short-term rental owners.

Owners' Voices

See what our members have to say about their ASTRO experience.

Rental Swap Details

  • Equitable Trades Based on Market Rates: Ensure fair exchanges by aligning rental values, creating a balanced and transparent swapping experience.
  • Flexible and Convenient: Allow members to temporarily trade rental properties, offering flexibility for vacations, business trips, or temporary relocations.
  • Cost Savings: Enjoy significant savings by swapping rentals instead of booking traditional accommodations, making travel more affordable.
  • Immersive Local Experiences: Live like a local by staying in a real home, gaining deeper insights into the community and culture.
  • Comprehensive Support: Benefit from ASTRO's 24/7 customer service and dispute resolution, ensuring a smooth and secure swapping process.
  • Member Testimonials: Read success stories from satisfied users who have experienced the convenience and advantages of rental swaps.
  • Innovative Insurance Solutions: Protect your property during swaps with ASTRO’s specialized insurance products, providing peace of mind.

Marketing Services Details

  • Professional Property Photography: Enhance your listings with high-quality photos taken by professional photographers to attract more bookings.
  • Listing Optimization: Improve your property's visibility with expert advice on title, description, and keyword usage to maximize search engine rankings.
  • Social Media Promotion: Leverage social media platforms to promote your property, reaching a wider audience and driving more traffic to your listing.
  • Targeted Advertising Campaigns: Utilize targeted ads to reach potential guests based on their preferences and search history, increasing the likelihood of bookings.
  • Email Marketing: Engage with past guests and potential customers through strategic email campaigns, keeping your property top of mind.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Access detailed reports and analytics to track the performance of your marketing efforts, allowing you to make informed decisions.
  • SEO Services: Optimize your property's online presence with expert SEO services, ensuring it appears prominently in search results.
  • Branding and Design Support: Receive assistance with creating a cohesive and appealing brand for your property, including logos, brochures, and promotional materials.

Property Rights Advocacy

Many localities across the country are considering or adopting ordinances that limit or prevent property owners from renting out properties on a short-term basis. This issue is complex, with significant implications for property rights. ASTRO firmly supports property owners' rights to gain income from their properties. While local governments have the legal authority to regulate land use through police powers and zoning regulations, these measures often infringe upon property rights. ASTRO advocates for the protection of these rights and opposes restrictive regulations that limit the use of property for short-term rentals.

  • Local, State, and National Advocacy: ASTRO actively champions property rights across various governmental levels, ensuring members' interests are protected.
  • Legislative Support: Engage with lawmakers and regulatory bodies to influence policies that favor property owners and short-term rental operators.
  • Success Stories: Highlight successful campaigns where ASTRO has effectively protected or advanced property rights, demonstrating our impact and commitment.
  • Ongoing Campaigns: Stay informed about current initiatives and advocacy efforts aimed at addressing emerging challenges and regulatory changes.
  • Member Involvement: Encourage member participation in advocacy efforts, providing resources and support for grassroots campaigns and community engagement.
  • Legal Support and Resources: Offer access to legal advice and resources to help members navigate property-related legal issues and disputes.
  • Educational Webinars and Workshops: Provide educational opportunities to inform members about their rights and how to effectively advocate for themselves.
  • Collaboration with Advocacy Groups: Partner with other organizations and advocacy groups to strengthen our collective voice and influence on property rights issues.

Local Artists Program

  • Integration of Local Art: Enhance rental properties by featuring artwork from local artists, creating a unique and culturally rich environment for guests.
  • New Revenue Stream for Owners: Generate additional income by offering artwork for sale directly through the rental properties and facilitating drop shipping to guests, providing a seamless buying experience.
  • Support for Local Economy: Foster economic growth by purchasing and showcasing local art, providing financial support to the community's artists.
  • Venue for Artists to Showcase and Sell: Provide local artists with a new venue to showcase and sell their work, reaching a broader audience and increasing their sales opportunities.
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